reTAIL Is the Cat’s Meow 
Folks, if you have been reading my column for a little while you know that I like animals. Cows, pigs, chickens, and fish are mighty tasty, but I’m writing of the ones we usually have as pets. Homeless strays also tug at my heartstrings. If you are also concerned about the plight of some needy Fidos and Fluffies, I urge you to visit the reTAIL Resale Store on Savannah Highway. It is located in the blue building almost next to the old K Mart, right next to the old Regions Bank.
I do not use this space provided to me by the publishers of this paper to promote ordinary businesses, but this place is a non profit thrift store that has been open for a few years. It’s mainly staffed by volunteers, and the proceeds are split between the Charleston Animal Society and Pet Helpers. Thus far, over a quarter of a million dollars has been distributed to these organizations. That’s an awful lot of food, medicine, and shelter.
This is a win-win situation for we humans and our fellow animals. Bargains are to be found on a wide variety of items and much needed donations are tax deductible. They even offer pick up services on a case-by-case basis. I strongly implore you to frequent this much needed establishment. Now on to other matters.
Computer Commuter
I believe texting and driving should not mix. I do not do it. In fact, I do not text at all (call me primitive). What brought this to mind was sitting next to a policeman at a stoplight. His open computer was in use and I expect it’s also viewed upon while his vehicle is in motion. While I certainly want our law enforcement officers to have up-to-date technologically in the pursuit of dangerous criminals or in the heading off of crime, this has got to be a driving distraction. What do you think?
Chewing The Fat
I read where one-third of Americans are fat. This was reported by “Captain Obvious.” School children are especially growing more rotund. In an effort to combat childhood obesity, I propose that chocolate milk be removed from school cafeterias. The added sugars contained in non-white milk can not be overly healthy. However, the removal will never happen. The Darbys and Scotts of this world would protest that my suggestion is racially motivated and elected cowards will bow to their wishes.
Tramp Stamps
Finally, this is addressed to the woman in front of me at the grocery store this morning. If you can afford tattoos over most of your visible body, sport obvious fake hair, and have multi-colored finger and toe nails, why can not you afford to buy your own food?
James David Altman lives in West Ashley and has been a contributing columnist for several publications. He’s the son of the late former S.C. Republican House of Representative of John Graham Altman III. You can reach him at

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