The Planned Parenthood organization has been in the news lately for a video in which its Senior Health Director discussed its organ-harvesting program for aborted fetuses. The organization, which receives roughly half of its $1 Billion annual budget from the federal government, oversees an estimated 300,000 abortions per year.
Planned Parenthood is promoting a sex-education curriculum called Making Proud Choices, which is now being considered by the Charleston County School District (CCSD). The curriculum was recently recommended by the volunteer Health Advisory Committee and will be considered by the Charleston County School Board’s Strategic Education Committee Tues., Aug. 4 at 9 am at the CCSD headquarters at 75 Calhoun St.
South Carolina’s school sex-education curriculum is governed by the South Carolina Comprehensive Health Education Act of 1988. The law does not allow the inclusion of sexual practices outside of marriage and requires instruction that emphasizes the risks associated with sexual activity outside of marriage.
Making Proud Choices includes graphic descriptions of sexual acts and does not cover strands on reproduction, marriage, and family life required by state law. The CCSD paid out a $95,000 legal settlement to a Health Advisory Committee volunteer in 2013 when a School Board member berated him for emphasizing those aspects of state law.
Supporters of Making Proud Choices make the claim that it is “medically accurate.” There’s a curriculum strand which implies that condom use will prevent pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs). That is not medically accurate. The program also sanitizes abortion as “a safe and legal way to end pregnancy.”
The curriculum was designed to be taught to students ages 11-13. The Health Advisory Committee revised that to be offered to 8th grade and high school students. School principals may choose which sex-ed curriculum to offer, but parents have no input in the decision and must go to the CCSD headquarters to view the curriculum materials.
There are many controversial provisions in the curriculum, including “gender identity” issues and same-sex partners. One of the teacher’s guide strands encourages students to go shopping for condoms together and “planning a special day when they can experiment.” Another lesson asks students to list all the condom brands they are familiar with.
There’s an existing sex-ed curriculum called Heritage Keepers, which has been proven effective in reducing teen pregnancies, particularly in low-income areas. It not only emphasizes abstinence until marriage but also explains the physical, emotional, and financial risks of teen pregnancy and STDs.
Heritage Keepers was updated in 2012 to include problems associated with social media bullying and “sexting.” The curriculum also emphasizes self-respect, role-playing, and character education. It teaches students to be respectful of the opposite sex and to resist peer pressure.
Heritage Keepers also promotes marriage as being a healthy component to child development. It encourages students to set goals and discuss their aspirations for their future lives as married adults and parents. Learn more about the Heritage Keepers curriculum at
I encourage parents to become informed about which sex-ed curriculum is being used in your children’s middle and high schools. If it doesn’t reflect your values, express your views to the school principals and the PTA/PTO organizations.
Whether you’re a parent or a concerned citizen, please take the time to let School Board members know where you stand on the Heritage Keepers and Making Proud Choices sex-ed curricula. The Strategic Education Committee members are Chris Collins (Chair), Chris Staubes, and Kate Darby. You can find their contact information at
I think most of us can agree that risky behavior should not be encouraged in schools. We want our students to be healthy, safe, and successful. Please take the time to learn more about school sex-ed programs at
John Steinberger is the former chairman of the Charleston County Republican Party, a leading Fair Tax advocate, and a West Ashley resident. He can be reached at

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