by Joan Perry | Contributing Writer

We pass the familiar landmarks of our neighborhoods on a regular basis. We barely notice them, but they are there, comforting and familiar, creating the colorful patchwork pieces of our neighborhood quilt. 

The original premise of this column was that I wander West Ashley, and as I do, I snap a photo or two to document my adventures. This month’s collage consists of snapshots of my recent wanderings. 

How many do you recognize? There is no prize, other than the satisfaction of knowing you are observant and aware of your surroundings. See answers below:

Answer key: 

  1. Art box installation, West Ashley Greenway

  2. Cow mural at the back of Triangle Char & Bar

  3. Bike stand at the School House on Magnolia Road

  4. Metal Rooster on Highway 61 across from Timbo’s Boiled Peanuts

  1. Exercise Tires near DFIT1 Fitness, 1013 St. Andrews Blvd/Bikeway

  2. Charleston Bicycle Company – 1319 Savannah Highway

  3. Mural behind Home Team BBQ, 1205 Ashley River Rd.

  4. Statue of Jesus – Meditation Garden, Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital

  5. Mural – Mex 1 Coastal Cantina, 817 St. Andrews Blvd.

  6. Ledford’s Termite & Pest Control, 1010 Savannah Highway

  7. Bridge to the Bikeway from Forest Park Playground

  8. Philip Simmons Mural behind the shops at Avondale

Stay healthy my friends and wave at me as I wander.

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