Folks, I have several questions which I do not have the answers for. I thought that if I wrote them down, perhaps some reader could provide help. I readily admit I’m not the all-knowing Wizard of Oz and I’m not adverse to asking for your aid. Here goes.
Questions #1 — I wonder if during his first campaign for mayor back in the days of bellbottoms and lava lamps, Joe Riley promised to address the Crosstown flooding problem? How has that been working out?
Question #2 — How many Cuban cigars does it take to buy one hundred bushels of wheat? Many businesses — such as large agricultural concerns — are seeking to repeal export embargoes to the island nation. However, I don’t believe the Cubans have the money to buy many imported goods. Do the companies expect the United States to “loan” them the funds and then get paid with American greenbacks through the boomerang effect?
Question #3 — How many consultants does the Charleston County School district have on payroll? I know of Nancy McGinley and the diversity guy, and I expect there are many more. With its astronomical budget and bloated bureaucracy, one might think the tasks could be handled in house.
Enough of the homework questions for now. Here are a few observations I’ve recently noticed. A good friend of mine manages an import warehouse, which receives chemicals from the Far East. I work part time for him on occasion and see where China and Taiwan send us a lot of stuff. We also get in a decent bit of goods from Korea.
Did you catch that? I did not on first or second glance either. Politically, the Korean peninsular is divided into North and South. The barrels we receive simply have printed on them, “Made in Korea.” No one with an IQ above room temperature would need be told that the products were from South Korea. About the only exports from the stone aged northern regions there are computer viruses and counterfeit money.
Well, it is time to wrap up this week’s musings. I need to go check out my wheat crop cigar stash. Perhaps if my field produces a bumper crop this year, I can add to my humidor.
James David Altman lives in West Ashley amd is  the son of the late former S.C. Republican House of Representative of John Graham Altman III. You can reach him at

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