West Ashley’s Jericho Arts once again awakens the imaginative forces of local art lovers with its new exhibition Wall Line. Local artist Hirona Matsuda and local architect Alan Jackson come together to create a surprising wall installation, which will be displayed at the West Ashley gallery beginning Thursday, May 14 when the exhibit opens with a reception and will stay up through July 25.
Matsuda is a College of Charleston alumni who primarily works with salvaged objects. She’s interested in what others leave behind or find useless. Her work has previously been displayed at the North Charleston Arts Festival and many other local galleries and festivals as well as Piccolo Spoleto, with whom Jericho Arts is collaborating to showcase her newest collaborative pieces.
Jackson, an architect based in Mt. Pleasant, worked alongside Matsuda on Wall Line. He began drawing simply to clear his mind, but eventually made new discoveries as he experimented with the shapes as well as the simplistic line. He learned through continued experimentation to produce works that seemed to have a movement all their own.
Matsuda and Jackson’s collaborative work transforms the Jericho Arts space, and is sure to surprise even viewers who have been to the gallery before. This installation is site-specific. Though it begins in 30 pieces, it comes together to make an end product composed of colorful patterns, careful modeling, and careful detailing.
Matsuda brings her light and beautiful touch to the piece with pins and thread, allowing her influence to blend seamlessly. Jackson’s intricate pen and pencil lines metamorphose the space, with his marks directly on the wall.
The work viewers can see at the opening reception will have been created over the course of two weeks leading up to the event. Time-lapse video taken throughout the creation will demonstrate the creative effort of both Matsuda and Jackson.
Wall Line opens with a reception on Thursday, May 14, from 6-9 p.m. Jericho Arts is the artist arm of Jericho Advisors, located at 815 Savannah Hwy. For more information, call 212-8482 or visit www.artsjericho.com.

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