Magnolia Plantation and Gardens is inviting couples to enjoy a Valentine Chocolate and Camellia Sweetheart Stroll through America’s oldest garden. Sample a variety of tasty treats this Saturday and Sunday at chocolate stations in the sprawling gardens along the Ashley River.
String musicians will serenade as couples embrace a love of chocolate in a colorful winter landscape named a Garden of Excellence by the International Camellia Society.
While the adults indulge, children will gather at a gingerbread house to craft Valentine greetings for their parents.
The Chocolate and Camellia Sweetheart Stroll will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Feb. 14 and 15 and is free with regular garden admission. Children under 6 are free. Magnolia Plantation and Gardens is located at 3550 Ashley River Road. For more information, call 571-1266 or visit

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