Thanks Everyone For The Help During Matthew

Every one will have a different way of remembering Hurricane Matthew, which got everybody’s attention after it killed hundreds in Haiti on its way north to make a tempestuous landfall in South Carolina. From now until eternity, I’m sure that every time I encounter a...

Evacuation Comparison: Haley vs Hodges

Many West Of readers clearly remember what a fiasco the 1999 Hurricane Floyd evacuation was. Gov. Jim Hodges was slow to call for evacuation along the coast and then failed to reverse the eastbound lanes on I-26. With tens of thousands of cars moving westbound on I-26...

All for Stono and Stono for All!

It’s been two weeks since the Charleston County School District changed its mind and decided it would rebuild Stono Park Elementary, and still the mood is celebratory when the Ladies of DuWapp get together. Even though only one of them, Latoya Bennett, actually has...

Mug Shots

September 27 SHOPLIFTING Police responded to a West Ashley superstore after management reported seeing a man break into the store during open hours and steal nearly $1,000 in hunting gear. Video showed the man gaining access to the store via an outside door that had...

Oh How Sweet It Was

A sweet little spot opened at the intersection of Savannah Highway and Magnolia Road on Friday June 29, 1934. Milton Jones, the proprietor invited his “many friends” to visit the Sugar Bowl for refreshing drinks, ice cream, delicious sandwiches and beer. “It’s the...

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