Leader of the Pack

Entering into her third year of high school, Amanda Eubanks has become a leader in every aspect of the word. According to drama teacher Nancy Shurlds. [Eubanks] is a leader, a volunteer, possesses integrity, and is an asset to any class. She has helped me tremendously...

Happy Pumpkin Days

The upcoming fall season has already provided us with an open door to numerous wonderful flavorful offerings. The Oktoberfests, the autumn ales, the pumpkin beers, ah yes, the pumpkin beers. As the pumpkin beers are now everywhere from every brewery imaginable, you...

S.C. can learn a few things from Cuba

For as long as Americans not old enough to be in the AARP have been alive, Cuba has been a pariah, a non-democratic experiment whose embarrassing Soviet connections caused a geo-political chess game. But as Soviet regimes crumbled in the early 1990s, Cuba was left...

More Choice, Less Failure

Our daily newspaper recently wrote a series of articles about the plight of students at North Charleston High School. Built to accommodate 1200 students, the school enrollment has dropped to 450. Many students zoned for North Charleston have chosen magnet schools such...

The September Beer

It’s September, I can’t believe it. As a kid, the belief I held was that each season got three months. Winter equaled Christmas, New Year, and the –uary months, when there was any chance of snow. Spring was March, April and May, flowers, bunnies and such. Summer...

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