The Brown Shades of Fall

I recently stumbled across a new issue of Maxim magazine, it was the October edition. Not a magazine I frequently peruse, I prefer Esquire for the manly side of life, The Atlantic for news and cultural commentary, and a gift subscription to Food & Wine (I’m still...

Word to the Wise: Broaden the Tax Base

Every now and then, something clicks in your brain and leads you to thinking about things in unexpected ways. Such is the case upon hearing a state trooper was charged with a felony after shooting an unarmed man in Richland County.  For some reason, the news led from...

Welcome to the Slow-Country

Morning traffic in the Lowcountry is a real mess. This is obviously not a surprise to anyone who wastes a few hours of their life every week in the snarled commute. One major factor is the number of people who have moved here over the past, say, 25 years. I referrence...

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