Playing On Your Heart Strings

As much as most of us would like to do what we love for a living, it often doesn’t work out that way. A waitress might be a gifted author or a lawyer an excellent musician, but life, more often than not, gets in the way. That doesn’t mean that these talents are...

Raging Bull

With 70 tequilas, 17 signature cocktails, an incredibly fresh menu of specialty tacos, burritos, fajitas, burrito bowls, and appetizers to choose from it will be hard to resist “charging” back for more at 3 Matadors, West Ashley’s newest Mexican-inspired restaurant....

South Carolina Keeps Treading Water

Unless South Carolina leaders change how they do things, we’re going to stay on the bottom of the lists that we should be on the top of, or at least in the middle, compared to other states. That came clear again late last month when the annual Kids Count report showed...

The New Hybrid

I’ve had several beer revelations in my lifetime. Not counting the first, that the Busch Light I just tasted on offer from my father was by far the most awful liquid that side of Robitussin, I guess revelation number one would have been tasting the great imported...

The Signs Are Everywhere

My good friend and business partner attended the recent TED Talks of Charleston.  If you aren’t familiar with TED Talks, it is a non-profit “devoted to ideas worth spreading.” The basic gist is that an audience attends a series of lectures by innovative speakers. I...

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